Medi Facial


A results-driven facial treatment using the best in medical-grade skincare and non-surgical aesthetic equipment and suitable for all skin types.

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A results-driven facial treatment using the best in medical-grade skincare and non-surgical aesthetic equipment and suitable for all skin types.



Treatment Time

75 mins





A Medi Facial is a results-driven treatment using medical strength skin care and non-surgical equipment.

But despite the potency of this facial treatment, our Medi Facial is not harsh on your skin.

Have more questions about this treatment? Call our friendly staff at Select Skin on 8034 2140.

Treatment Information

What results can you expect?

Medi facials combat all skin issues, including acne, scarring, pigment spots, sun damage, dehydration, rosacea and broken capillaries. They also improve the tone, texture, and collagen and elastin production in the skin, thus slowing down ageing.

What happens during your treatment

We’ll devise a tailored treatment to suit your skin type and the needs of your skin.

What to expect after your treatment?

Medi facials are personalised to each skin type, and all skins react differently to a treatment depending on the skin’s condition.

As we are using potent medical-grade skincare, you may experience a short period immediately after your Medi Facial, where your skin is slightly pink and should subside within an hour or so of your Medi Facial.

Is this treatment suitable for you?

We’ll advise you if this is the best treatment for your skin type and condition at your initial consultation.

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