Melanie Russell Richards
Director & Dermal Clinician
Melanie’s credentials, knowledge and passion for the skin are unsurpassed.
With over 30 years of industry experience, Melanie has a Bachelor of Dermal Science from Victoria University and is a member of The Society of Dermal Clinicians.
With so much knowledge and experience, it was time for Melanie to realise her dream of owning her own non-surgical skin clinic and establishing Select Skin in 2017.
Melanie is committed to treating her clients with honesty, integrity, and care.
Achieving ethical and results-driven outcomes is the most rewarding part of her day.
Taking her clients on a journey through consultation, treatment and education while building a solid relationship is integral to her approach to her role as director and dermal clinician at Select Skin.
Melanie has expertise in all the modalities offered at Select Skin and looks forward to introducing her clients to new ways to achieve beautiful, long-lasting results.