Yes, you can reverse sun damage
Summer is all but gone. Of course, we’ll squeeze a few more glorious days in through Autumn, but the hottest of days are behind us for another year. […]

Summer is all but gone. Of course, we’ll squeeze a few more glorious days in through Autumn, but the hottest of days are behind us for another year. […]
Summer is all but gone. Of course, we’ll squeeze a few more glorious days in through Autumn, but the hottest of days are behind us for another year.
You may have noticed that freckles and pigmentation are darker or more noticeable over summer, and you have more vascular redness showing up on your face, neck and chest? These are the signs of sun damage.
Well, a tan is sun damage. So too, an accidental episode of sunburn, and it may surprise you to know, sun damage can also occur, even when you have the best of intentions and wear your sunscreen every day.
Sun damage is accumulative. Over a lifetime, even short bursts of sun exposure can damage your skin.
There isn’t a day of the year when your skin is safe from sun damage.
Of course, this is especially true in summer. The sun is high in the sky, and there’s not much cloud about making us even more susceptible to sun damage.
Blotchy patches of pigmentation are a common symptom of too much sun, but medications and hormonal influences can also cause pigmentation to flare up, such as Melasma.
Sun damage can also appear as redness and an uneven and mottled texture in the skin; this is particularly true when sun damage occurs on the neck and chest area.
We’d all prefer never to have to deal with sun damage, but living in Australia, it’s hard to avoid. But of course, not impossible. The key to prevention is wearing broad-spectrum sun protection every season, even in winter.
The UV rays that cause the most damage to the skin are ever-present, and while most of us protect our skin during summer, we tend to let it slide during winter or on cloudy days. Keeping your skin protected 365 days of the year will help prevent future sun damage. We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with a leading online casino review site in Australia. Collaborating with , we aim to offer our users valuable insights and top recommendations for the best online casinos. Our mission is to enhance the gaming experience for our visitors by providing them with reliable and trusted information. Keep an eye out for more updates and exclusive deals as we continue to pursue excellence in the online gambling industry.
Retinol, also known as vitamin A, is well proven to be the best nutrient to protect the skin from sun damage and help repair your skin cells’ DNA to gradually reverse the signs of sun damage.
Retinol formulations are essential for preventing further long term damage from showing up prematurely, such as lines and wrinkles.
With summer on the wane, now’s the perfect time to clear away pigmentation and vascular redness that may have become more visible through summer.
We recently upgraded to the latest IPL Laser Machine with Optimal Pulse Technology – M22™ Universal IPL enables us to treat a myriad of skin conditions with a single, versatile handpiece.
The results we can achieve for clearing away unwanted pigmentation and vascular redness with Lumenis M22 is nothing short of transformational.
If you’re troubled by these signs of sun damage, then we encourage you to get in touch to discuss your options to reverse pigmentation and vascular redness with this remarkable device.
With a consultation using our Observ Diagnostic System, we can identify the depth of sun damage, guiding us in the best treatment plan to fade and clear away hyperpigmentation and vascular redness.
You can book your consultation online or give us a call on 02 80342140.
See you soon
Mel x